Making a difference

Supporting our community

All funds raised are put towards local beneficiaries, with 50% going to KYDS (Ku-ring-gai Youth Development Service) , the balance split equally between Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women's Shelters and other charities supported by the Rotary Club of Ku-ring-gai. The Rotary Club is run by volunteers, who share a passion for making a difference to both the local and international community, through fundraising such as this Lindfield Fun Run. Take a look at our beneficiaries.


Main charity

As a registered charity, we’re hugely grateful to the individuals, community groups, businesses, trusts and foundations whose donations make it possible for us to help young people in need.

KYDS help young people understand, and manage, difficult issues in their lives. We do this by providing easily accessed, personalised counselling and mental health support services, family counselling, and early intervention well-being workshops and information events. We ensure issues such as grief, loss, family break ups, friendship problems, school and study stress, addictions, risky behaviour, anger, bullying, anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug use, body image concerns, mental health concerns, self-harm and suicidal thoughts do not overwhelm young people.

Our other charities

We like to get involved to provide support where we can. We have carefully selected the beneficiaries of our fundraising efforts based on need, and where we can help make a difference.

Our Charities

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women’s Shelter

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women’s Shelter is a not for profit organisation that provides services to assist women, and mothers with their children experiencing domestic abuse and homelessness. We empower women in crisis to create a better future.

Holistic support and active case management is provided in three settings:
• Crisis accommodation for up to eight women and mothers with their children, for up to three months.
• Long-term accommodation for women aged over 55 at risk of homelessness, with an average stay of two years.
• Ongoing outreach support for women and families.
Our services are client-driven and our work is only made possible through the support of our amazing local community.

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Our Charities

Our Charities