Supporting our community

100% volunteer

Rotary is where neighbours, friends and problem-solvers share ideas and take action to create lasting change. 100% of proceeds raised are put towards local and international beneficiaries - Rotary Club of Ku-ring-gai is run by volunteers. We have no management fees. Many (most) of our projects are instigated, developed and managed by our members. Help us help make a difference!

Recent local beneficiaries

  • KYDS Youth Development Services (founded by Lindfield Rotary with more than $300k donated)
  • Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women’s Shelter offering safe emergency accommodation and support services to women facing domestic violence and homelessness.
  • Mentoring Men is saving and transforming the lives of Men living in Australia
  • FreshTracks helps people with acquired brain injuries - we provided specially designed recumbent bicycles and a patient hoist.
  • Meals on Wheels - we helped to fund a new van for the North Shore.
  • Hornsby Women's Shelter - we provide financial support.
  • Graffiti Removal - our club provides volunteers, chemicals and equipment.

Developing & driving international projects

  • Kolkata Cleft Palate Project, which has provided surgery and changed the lives of more than 500 children over the last 3 years
  • Fiji Power to Learn Project, providing solar electric power to island schools in Fiji.
  • Lao Drinking Water Project, providing piped drinking water to five remote rural communities in Lao.
  • Our club also supports the Rotary International End Polio campaign, which has reduced polio globally from over 350,000 cases in 1985, to less than 11 last year.